My most recent love affair ended badly. Every time that we were together, it rained. I fell in love with him one night at a thai restaurant. I was sitting in front of the window and it was storming violently outside. I don’t remember how the conversation started, but we were talking about trees. His eyes lit up behind his glasses as he told me about some trees in the Amazon that are as wide as a city block. The image of the baobab trees in the book "The Little Prince" popped up in my mind. "You’re exaggerating," I said. He was so giddy and enthusiastic, like a little kid. He admitted that he was exaggerating and it was over for me. I was completely charmed. We walked back to my apartment through the rain. In my dreams that night I saw a giant newborn infant. It rose up into my frame of vision and the instant it opened its eyes, I woke up. He was already awake and told me about his dream. He dreamed that he was leading a child by the hand through a forest filled with crashed cars and dead people, but the child couldn’t see any of it. I didn’t tell him about my dream, instead trying to figure out what it meant. Was it a coincidence that we both dreamt of children? What was the symbolism? Now he’s gone and I wonder if it meant nothing. I miss him.
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