LetterMade-to-order drawings |
Nr. 16 - 20 |
Feltpen on paper |
Made-to-order drawing Sample 016
I had this dream that a middle aged woman and a man in his thirties were standing at a beach fishing. Each had a fishing pole that was at least 20 feet long. Really skinny and long. The ocean looked like a storm was comingviolent waves and high winds although the poles werent swaying too much. The man walked away to get something so the woman was standing by herself behind the two very tall fishing poles. She sees that a fish must have bitten the bait on her pole so she reels it in all the waybut once the big brown and round fish is at the top of the pole, she cant get to it because the pole is too long and the fish is dangling at the very top of the pole. All of a sudden the sky is filled with eagles (not seagulls) and the eagles start chomping on the fish. Then I woke up.
Made-to-order drawing Sample 017
"You look nice in peach" she said laughing. |
Made-to-order drawing Sample 018
Im traveling in Oaxaca, Mexico. I visit a beautiful cathedral where the Maya people worship a mix of catholism indigenous rituals. I admire their devoted faith and beliefs. As I exited, I watched a man that exited moments before, beating his wife in front of everyone. I wonder how someone with so much religious faith can do such a thing minutes after to a person so near to him...
drawing 1 |
drawing 2 |
Made-to-order drawing Sample 019
I had a dream that I was at Madonnas house. I saw the closet, opened up the door and found a secret collection of Prince records.
drawing 1 |
drawing 2 |
Made-to-order drawing Sample 020
My Star fall down / after a day
I am walking from one / to the other city
to look her / and / I am always hoping
one day to hear a story
"ones a time a star fall down here":
after that day / that beautiful girl start
to care always a light circle
above her head / and always walk around
with that light / and one day I hear
a wise old man tell a story:
whom star fall down hear
this beautiful girl waiting him
to find his star / if he can not find his star
the girl will disappear / with that light
My star fall down
I dont want any wish / I want only my star
if I had a wish / I want see
My star is shining / On her place
My star fall down / I can not find
And again I heard one day
One of those city.
From Asiatic wise old man
he was telling:
sometimes when star fall down
he does not fall down on world
just pass-by the world
with that reason that person can
never find his star on this world
and like his star, he will pass-by this life
and again he will never find
why he came in this life
because he will never find
what he was looking for
My star fall down / I can not find
she pass-by the world / and gone
my star fall down / maybe I born early
I can not find